Thursday, April 5, 2012

Job Searching Stressful Enough!

Since my last child is now 2 1/2 months old I am trying to re-enter the work force. I knew that this search would be hard as I am looking for a job in a field I have less than 5 years experience in but am determined to stay strong and keep looking daily.

I recently applied for a position with an online recruiter site and was directed to fill out an application with an employment service. I was prompted to make an appointment to meet with, and discuss my options for employment. When I arrived I was sat down to a computer to watch a safety video and take a quiz. Directly following this quiz I was instructed to take another test for the career field I wanted to enter. I did all of this hoping that the recruiter could shine some light on my job situation but alas, when I go back to speak to the recruiter more obstacles awaited me. I have listed my skills on my resume but realized quickly from the lady across the desk that no matter how much experience I hold, my word is no longer enough in this world of job searches. I left with no idea if I would be assigned to a job at any time and a promise, that when I got home, my email would be filled with assessment tests from a company called Prove It!.

Now I know what my skills are and where my strengths lie but now that I am faced with a timed test in order to decide my future employment I find myself terrified. I began the assessments hoping to do the easiest first and get it out of the way. To my inner turmoil, the more pressure I felt the sicker and worse I scored.

I still have two tests left in order to complete my preliminary tests for this employment agency but find myself unable to start either test. The test scores at this point do not reflect my true abilities but built up anxieties.

As I started this new chapter I knew it would be difficult but because of all the things that I now have to prove within a small time window, the stress has just been tripled. I only hope that my recruiter gets a good laugh out of reviewing my test scores against my resume. I can surely say that it is time to submit more applications to direct hire companies and say adios to the employment agencies as my testing anxiety and ability has once again won the upper hand.

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